Minggu, 12 Maret 2017


catatan hasil diskusi

catatan hasil diskusi.
Pertemuan ke-3
Selasa 31 januari 2017
v  Big ecology question

1. What factors determine distribution and abundance of organism?
In part, their tolerance of condition (influence the organism), and their need for certain resources (something need of organism).
Niches (a la Hutchinson’s 1957 “hypervolume”)
•Niche:  the limits, for all important environmental factors (conditions and resources), within which individuals of a species can survive, grow, and reproduce
–Fundamental Niche: :  The largest ecological niche an organism or species can occupy in the absence of adverse biotic interactions –Realized Niche:  The portion of the Fundamental Niche occupied by a species subject to adverse biotic interactions
Resources, conditions, and the fundamental niche
•What determines the distribution and abundance of species? –In part, their tolerance of conditions, and their need for certain resources *condition:abiotic environmental factor that varies in space and time and affects the performance of organism **resource:  all things consumed (used up) by organisms (space, nutrients, water, prey, holes for refuge, etc)
Ø  My condition’s and resource:
-low temperature make me lazy to go out à resources: more high temperature
-defficency of oxygen in atmosphere because of air population make me difficult to breath à more oxygen in atmosphere
Ø  Cat condition’s and resources:
-          Condition : cats become lazy to move because the temperature is too cold, while the cats were starving because not get the nutrients at all.
Resources : cats require higher temperatures in order to seek and obtain some food
-          Condition  : cat fell into the river so that his body was wet. cats less likely to survive in these conditions. cats need a tool to dry himself.
Resources : radiation from the sun can dehydrate the body wet cat
2.       What limits and regulates population?
3.       How will organisms, ecosystems or the planet respond to changes in climate, land use, or other biota (extinctions, invasions, changes in traits) ?

v  Organism and temperature
·         Ektoterm/poikiloterm
-          Suhu tubuh mengikuti suhu lingkungan
-          Efisien
-          Dalam suhu rendah mudah tertangkap oleh mangsa
-          Aktivitas organisme memanfaatkan suhu lingkungan
-          Degree days for ectoterms (33)
-          For each 10 derajat C rise in temperature, rate of biological enzyme processes after roughly doubles, until enzyme denature.
-          Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan organisme poikilpterm tergantung pada suhu llingkungan.
-          When growth or development increase nearly linearly with temperature. 
-          Ex: misal suhu rata-rata 15 derajat celsius perkembangannya dapat terjadi dalam waktu 24 hari, sedangkan jika suhu naik 10 derajat menjadi 25 derajat maka perkembangan bisa terjadi hanya dalam waktu 8 hari atau lebih cepat.
·         Endoterm/homoioterm
-          Suhu stabil, dapat mencukupi suhu tubuhnya sendiri.
-          Ada pengaturan fisiologik
-          Suhu lingkungan (x) mempengaruhi suhu tubuh (y)
ü  Memperkirakan keberadaaan organisme
-          Kinerja maksimal biasanya diperebutkan,
v  Faktor : tunggal dan ganda
ü  Faktor pembatas (Limiting factor)
It can limited or controolled population and, to some extent, diversity.
Limiting factors are anything that places restrictions on how large a population can grow. You ask Marcus to tell you some of the things his ants will need in order for them to be healthy and allow their population to grow. After thinking a minute, Marcus says food, water, and space. Very good! You say. Anything that a population needs to survive, thrive, and remain healthy can also be a limiting factor in the growth of that population.
Example of limiting factor:
-          Water
-          Posphorus
-          Sunlight
-          Nitrogen
the law of limiting factor : “the factor that is most deficient determines the presence or absence of any given organism”
hukum minimum, contoh :
pertumbuhan organism dipengaruhi oleh unsur yg paling sedikit keberadaannya.
-          jika sariawan maka disebabkan oleh vit C, maka yang mempengaruhi kesehatan adalah jumlah vit C yang paling minimal.
-          Jika tidak bisa berbahasa inggris maka tidak bisa bekerja di kelas internasional.
-          Tidak bisa berbahasa inggris, minim bahasa inggrisnya. Ketika di sekolah a yg mensyaratkan toefl 500 maka b.ing menjadi pembatas. Maka berlakulah hukum minimum. Tapi, jika di perusahaan b tidak mensyaratkan b.inggris, maka b.ing tidak menjadi faktor pembatas, maka kondisi tidak mempengaruhi organism. Artinya, persyaratan yang lain yang telah dipenuhi, akan menjadi tidak berarti jika kemampuan bahasa inggrisnya tidak memenuhi syarat.
ü  Kisaran sempit (steno..), lingkungan mempengaruhi organisme.
ü  Kisaran luas (euro..) , lingkungan tidak mempengaruhi kondisi organisme.
Terhadap suhu, garam, air, dll.
Faktor ganda :
-          Tidak semua organisme memiliki kesamaan. Organisme A terpengaruh, belum tentu organisme B juga terpengaruh.

-          Dilihat dari toleransi termasuk pada kelompok organisme steno karena mudah berdampak pada kehidupannya, sehingga mudah digunakan sebagai suatu indikator.
-          Akan tetapi, organisme euro juga bisa menjadi indikator jika dilihat dari keberadaannya terhadap steno. Bisa juga jika yg lain tidak ada, steno tetap ada karena dapat bertahan lebih kuat sehingga euro bisa digunakan sebagai indikator.

resume faktor lingkungan

Environmental Factors

Environment is all the external factors that directly affect the biological life of the growth and reproduction of organisms.
Hasil gambar untuk factor biotic and abiotic
Hasil gambar untuk factor biotic and abioticAbiotic Factor
(Physical Environment)
Abiotic factors consisted of four factors:
a.       Temperature
- An important factor in the distribution of the organism because it has effects on biological processes.
- Cells may burst if the water contained freezing (at temperatures below 0 degrees Celsius)
- Proteins can be denatured at temperatures above 45 degrees Celsius.
- Most organisms organism functions best in a specific range of ambient temperatures.
b.      Water
- Water in nature come together as a body of water such as oceans, lakes, marshes, ponds, rivers.
- Water into the atmospheric air by evaporation and then fall to the ground as snow.
- Air divided into 2 types:
1. Seawater
Containing NaCl and MgCl2 which causes the saltiness. Other salts such as salt, Ca and sulphites.
2. Freshwater
There are two types of freshwater that is:
• Soft Water: slightly containing salts
• Water hardness: if a lot containing salts
Hard water is not good to wash because soap reacts with substances that dissolve so it will be difficult bubbly.
c.       Salinity
Salinity of water in the environment affect water balance organist, e through osmosis. Most aquatic organisms limited life in freshwater habitats or salty because it has limited ability to osmoregulation.
d.      Sunlight
- Sunlight is absorbed by photosynthetic organisms provides the energy that drives most ecosystems and sun too little can restrict the distribution of photosynthetic species.
- Solar radiation is the only source of energy for living beings to the earth in the form of electromagnetic waves.
- Solar radiation is essential for the organism:
a. Ultra Violet radiation (300-390 mμ)
b. Ordinary light can be seen (360-760 mμ)
c. Infrared radiation (heat wave with a wave of 760-100 mμ)
- Solar radiation is evaporating water hyang useful for the hydrological cycle.
- Solar radiation moves air. Good air movement from the movement of water helps the spread of air and heat distribution.
- Disruption of solar radiation caused by forest fires, volcanic eruptions, etc.
e.      Rocks and soil
PH, mineral composition, and physical structure of the rocks and soil limits the distribution of plants and thus the distribution of plant-eating animals. It affects biodiversity in terrestrial ecosystems.
Biotic Factors
Biotic is one of the components or factors in the environment. Biotic components include all factors of life: group of organisms producers, consumers and decomposers.
Biotic characteristics of the reactor, namely:
·         Breathe
·         Growing
·         Breed
·         Irritability
·         Eating and drinking
·         Make excretion
·         Adapt to the environment
Biotic factors include:
a. Individual
That single organism. Example: rat, a cat, and etc.
There are various individual adaptation to the environment:
·         Adaptation morphology: body shape adjustment for survival.
·         Adaptation physiology: adjustment of physiological functions of the body to sustain life.
·         Adaptation behavior, for example: pretending to be asleep or dead to avoid the enemies
b. Population
The population is a collection of similar individuals who live in a specific area and time. Example: palm tree population in poor city. Changes in the population at a given time is called population dynamics. The population has characteristics that are typical for the group and is not owned by individual members, among others: the density (density), the birth rate (natalist), the mortality rate (motalitas), biotic potential, the general spread and growth form.
c. community
Community is a collection of beebagai population living at a time and specific regions that interact and affect one another.
d. ecosystem
Between the community and the environment is always an interaction. This interaction creates unity called ecosystem ecology.
Biotic components include:
1) Manufacturers, which means producer. Namely organism that can produce its own food. Included in this group are plants that have green or chlorophyll.
2) Consumers, which means the user. Yaotu organisms that can not produce their own food. Organisms that are directly taking nutrients directly from green plants are herbivores, therefore, herbivores often referred to as first-level consumers.
3) Decomposers or decomposers are kompnen biotic role decompose organic matter derived from organisms that have died or the result of the disposal of digestion. decomposers group is generally comprised of a group of bacteria and fungi.

v  Interaction between biotic and abiotic components make up the ecosystem. The relationship between an organism and its environment causes the flow of energy